Bloody Students is a blog run by drunken, annoying, taxdodging , workshy Labour supporting students at Hull University.

Monday 19 February 2007

Times thanks Tony for his legacy

Tim Hames, writing in the Times today, told of how he felt about living in Blair's Britain. Britain's turnaround came about almost entirely under Blair's leadership, as Tim explains. It is easy to be blase about it, but during Tony Blair's time in office Britain has stopped it's steady decline, and is clawing its way back into the international arena.

The UK's lagging economy has been taken in hand, and has experienced the second largest economic growth of any G8 nation, rising two places to become the worlds fourth largest economy. Britain has moved from it's historical position as a manufacturing nation to its new position as the services capital of the world. New York, says Mr Hames, is in danger of falling into London's shadow.

Blair's time in office has also seen the strengthening of the UK's political power around the world, as the UK-US special relationship has become meaningful for the first time since world war two. Europe has seen unparralleled growth during Blair's time, as ten new nations join the common market, opening up new opportunities and driving up GDP in Europe.

Basically the point of all this is that due to a mixture of economic, home and foreign policy- much of it unpopular- Blair's legacy is now solid. He has transformed Britain from Europe's grumpy uncle to the second most powerful nation in the world, and for that we must thank him.

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