Bloody Students is a blog run by drunken, annoying, taxdodging , workshy Labour supporting students at Hull University.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Leadership elections roll on...

It looks very good for the chancellor's campaign today, as 282 MPs declare support for Gordon Brown. In contrast, only 27 MPs have declared themselves as supporting John McDonnell, leading commentators to wonder if he will even make it to the Ballot. With the 12.30pm Thursday deadline coming ever closer John McDonnell will be scouring the back-benches for the extra 18 MPs he needs to stand. McDonnell remains confident, however, claiming

"This is really good progress. It's not even half-time yet and we're over half-way in terms of nominations with some MPs out of the country and others finalising their position."

However, many have their doubts, including Alan Johnson MP and, quite frankly, myself. John McDonnell obviously decided to stand convinced he would receive nominations (and votes) from two areas of the party- the old left, and those who wanted to see a choice on the ballot. However, both the general public and the party seem to feel that though a contest is preferable, John McDonnell lacks the image and charisma to mount a meaningful challenge.

And as the deputy leadership elections also move forward, all of the contenders have
managed to get the required 45 nominations except for the man many consider to be one of the front runners- Hilary Benn. Alan Johnson still looks strong, and today he commented on the media attention the deputy leadership election was drawing, saying

"I think the media will focus more on the deputy contest because it looks unlikely there will be a contest for the leadership."

Whatever the reason, I think we can expect to see a lot more of Mr. Johnson in the future.

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