Bloody Students is a blog run by drunken, annoying, taxdodging , workshy Labour supporting students at Hull University.

Friday 8 June 2007

Wareingwatch: The Suspects

Ok so there is a lot of talk about who is behind WareingWatch the blog dedicated to personal attacks against a former Labour Councillor in Hull and on occasion, myself. After a large scale manhunt, with many leads we believe we have it down to a small number of suspects. As Wareing Watch states personal attacks are acceptable, lets start with a few light hearted ones.

Councillor John Fareham, the leader of the Conservative Group on Hull City Council. Well we say leader, there are in fact only two of them so he also takes on the additional duties of being deputy leader, cheif whip, group secretary and treasurer.

Many of Wareing Watch's lines have been repeated by Fareham in the council chamber and elsewhere. John courted controversy by using the Guildhall Car Park to store untaxed vehicles.

John is regularly seen drinking, just about everywhere. Regularly complains about high levels of personal debt.

Councillor Carl Minns (Liberal Democrat). Leader of Hull City Council and regular lunchtime drinking partner of Councillor Fareham. John's obsession with Gary's blog may well have encouraged Carl to fill some of his spare time.

Failed Lib Dem candidate Craig Woolmer alleged that Carl began drinking at mid day on election day. Carl recently "fell" down the stairs in the Guildhall on his way to a meeting.

May have difficulty working a computer.

Councillor Adam Williams (Lib Dem). Served as Gary's ward colleague for 3 years. Part of the infamous Lib Dem "campaign group" chaired by local weirdo Kennedy Sloan (no im not making this up). Former westminster researcher, never had a proper job and was left out of the Lib Dems new look cabinet after a recent reshuffle. Once made a complaint against a Jewish councillor for anti semitism. Plenty of spare time.

Councillor John Robinson aka "fluffy". Our only teatotaller. Previously served on the board of Kingston Communications, one of the two highly talked about positions the council used to take on the board. Attending a two hourly meeting a month entitled him to £25,000. Yep, that is about a grand an hour!

John came up with the idea for a webcam in the council chamber. Was formerly an employee of Catch 21 Media Ltd however resigned mysteriously. Some say there were question marks surrounding his performance in the role.


Anonymous said...

Think you might be aiming a little high with these suspects. When would any of these people find the time, or care enough about Gary, to do this?!

Bobbylad said...

Id hardly call it "aiming high".

Anonymous said...

some of the sad buggers in the tory and lib-dem camps... it could be any of them

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Chris Randall he keeps saying he is seeing the doctor, probably to trow people off guard so he has the time.